HELPS PHYSICALLY: Eye Disorders and Infections, Heart, Strengthening Immune System, Lungs, Sore Throat, Sunburn,Well Being, Beauty
HELPS EMOTIONALLY: Calming, Communication and Expression, Relaxation , Encourages Forgiveness, Mental Clarity, Happiness, Eases Fear
HELPS SPIRITUALLY: Aura Cleansing, Dream Interpretation And Recall, Harmony, Speak Truth, Beauty, Meditation, Enhances Energetic Connection Between Chakra Centers, Acknowledge Things That Bring Joy To Your Life, Mystical Experiences
Here’s a Affirmation To Use While Using Your Crystals:
“I Inspire Hope In Myself And Others.”
Chakras: Throat, Third Eye
Astrological Signs: Gemini, Libra, Taurus
Planet: Mercury
Elements: Air , Water
Numerical Vibrations: Number 44