HELPS PHYSICALLY: Allergies, Appetite Control And Management, Astma, Back Problems And Pain, Blood Circulation, Blood Disorder, Body Balance, Body Detox, Colds And Flu, Colon Disorders And Health, Edema, Gallbladder, Infection, Infertility, Intestinal Disorders And Health, Live Disorder And Health, Low Blood Pressure, Memory Health, Ovarian Disorders Or Cysts, Pain Relief, Pancreas Health, Reproductive Organs, Rheumatism, Scoliosis, Tissue Health And Healing, Urinary Tract And Health, Weaknesses
HELPS EMOTIONALLY: Acceptance, Anger Diffusing Or Release, Comforting, Courage, Delusions, Emotionally Abuse, Happiness, Rage Diffusing Or Release, Self-Confidence And Self Worth, Understanding Death , Courage
HELPS SPIRITUALLY: Appreciation, Balance, Past Life Recall, Reincarnation, Right Use Of Will, Serenity, Spiritual Protection , Harmony, Nature, Creativity
Heres A Affirmation To Use When Using Your Crystal:
”I have Inner Peace And Joy.”
Chakra: Sacral
Astrological Sign: Cancer, Leo, Taurus, Virgo
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Numerical Vibrations: Number 5, Number 6