HELPS PHYSICALLY: Urinary Tract, Kidney and Bladder Inflammation, Stones, Prostatitis, Supports Immune System, Fertility, Diuretic, Gangrene and Bleeding Eczema, Internal Bleeding, Stomach Ulcers, Lungs, Strength To Bones/Hair/Nails/Teeth, Bleeding Gums
TEA RECIEPE: Start with cold water over a low heat and slowly bring herb mixture to a simmering boil. Keep the pot covered and simmer for ten to 20 minutes. Take off heat and leave covered while you brew cools to drinking temperature.
HELPS EMOTIONALLY: It helps to cleanse unwanted emotional rubble and debris from the system.
HELPS SPIRITUALLY: Fertility, Longevity, Strength, Cleansing, Letting Go, Affirmations Firm
Zodiac: Capricorn
Element: Earth
Planet: Saturn