Red Clover

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Blood Purifier

Herbalists believe that Red Clover has a diuretic property and prevents the formation of clots to improve blood circulation.

Eases Menopausal Symptoms

Red Clover is thought to act like estrogen that helps relieve menopausal problems like hot flushes and night sweats.

Heals Skin Disorders

Ointments made from Red Clover is believed to heal various skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, and rashes.

Cures Respiratory Issues

Red Clover is believed to be an expectorant that helps cure whooping cough and bronchial asthma.

Relaxes Nervous System

It is believed that Red Clover contains magnesium and calcium known to help ease the nervous system.


  • Red clover has sympathetic energy, its cares about the person who’s consuming it

  • It’s wonderful for people who live in the past. When you’re reliving long gone days because you’re looking to experience nostalgic feelings of happiness and contentment, red clover is your ally. It helps bring these emotions into the present so you can feel joy in your current life.

  • Red clover teaches us to keep going

  • Red Clover works deeply on the emotional body. It’s incredibly powerful in helping the person release any long suppressed emotions and helps to strengthen the life force. It’s wonderful for helping to break through old patterns and gives energy to help pull through a serious illness. 

  • This is a wonderful ally for those to tend to suppress their emotions and hold everything in, especially strong negative emotions and are unable to release them. 

  • For grief, depression, sorrow, worrying, over thinking 

  • Take when there is no hope, during the darkest hour. 

  • Charming, nourishing and restorative.

  • It is warming, soothing, restorative. Helps to bring in the light.

  • Helps stabilize, increases focus and concentration



Red Clover has a strong mantle of cleansing powers that removes even the tiniest traces of unwanted spirits and the evil eye. Use as a floor wash or clean your appliances and altar by spraying a diluted essential oil to chase and cleanse away filthy energies that might be sticking on your precious possessions.


Place dried Red Clover in small pouches or sachets and hang them in the four corners of your house. Planting it in your garden also blesses home and sprinkles protection to your furry companions.


For every witch who wishes to ace every project, business ventures, or get that long-awaited promotion, bathing with Red Clover is a way to quench their thirst for success and constant life expansion. Sprinkling dried Red Clover to your office or home will also draw prosperity, good fortune, and abundance into your career and life.


Red Clover is a primary herb for love magic that every witch can benefit from when they are ready to unchain their doors and let new love in or to ensure fidelity in their marriage. Create an incense blend to generate affection and increase attraction. Use in lust potions or love spells to bring more happiness and passion to a romantic union.

Astral Projection

The journey means going to another dimension. Create a juice extract or drink a Red Clover tea before going to sleep to help you navigate other planes more easily. Rubbing essential oils to your wrists boosts your power and also works as an excellent talisman to shield your body and mind as you walk between mystical worlds.

Charkas: Throat Charka 

Astrological Signs: Aries 

Planets: Mercury

Elements: Air